A little about me. I had the good fortune to grow up in a big family of 7 in White Bear Lake. My father had a local business; he grew up in the Como area of St. Paul. My mom’s family had a dairy farm in White Bear Lake and her dad was an accountant for James J. Hill.
My dad’s mother worked at James J. Hill mansion in St. Paul having come here with her sister after growing up in a convent in Ireland during the potato famine. My dad’s father left the Emerald Isle to make his way here as a plumber.
Having big Sunday dinners after church was so important. I remember the comfort of walks by the lake and walking downtown for our simple needs. Barefoot running around the neighborhood, biking everywhere, and playing night games was our childhood. My parents knew everyone; we were just told to be good; behave, and stay out of trouble.
I followed suit and got married and had a family of 5 girls and now have 5 grandchildren. We have been living and working in Shoreview for 34 years. We have loved our church community of St. Odilias. I have been involved with the Slice of Shoreview, capital campaigns for the YMCA, and loved using all the trails and lakes in the area.
For me helping families find a place to call home has been a great honor. My dad said to me when we were convincing him to move into a one-level home; My roots go too deep. Now I understand how he feels.
Being part of a place for so long; the connections, the people, and the very trees around you make the home a very special place to be.
My greatest honor has been helping families find a place to call home and plant their roots.